January 09, 2015


"There are not enough hours in the day."

"I just don’t have time."

"But the children have to be fed, bathed, etc. Their routines are important to them and to me."

"But we have a function, then the lawn needs to be mowed, and laundry has to be finished."

These are just a handful of the things I would say in describing the value I would put on time. Not very much.

Value is "the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something." It is also defined as "a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life." - Google

It is time to create the kind of value in our lives that will emulate the love of Christ. Revamping the value I put on my time and my family's time is a great place to begin.

On January 1st, 2015, instead of rushing back home to start the infinite "To-Do" list, as I would have normally been a proponent of, we went to spend time with Jared's grandparents. It is easy for us in the hussle and bussle of our lives to forget the value in taking the time to sit and chat. No phones, no texts, no "Score!" from the current sport on T.V. Just enjoying time together.  Though the men did not take the most advantage of this, they did converse quite a bit while watching the football game. Baby steps…..

However, Maddie, Clay and I went into the sitting room with Jared's mother, grandmother and our nephew. Maddie had a great time, playing, laughing and arguing with her Blaine (cousin). And Clay and I spent time with the ladies, just talking and enjoying the children. These are the moments that we do not create enough. These are the moments that our grandparents grew up having and appreciated so dearly in a world not consumed with technology and "the next best thing." Or should I say, their "next best thing," was a visit to a relative's house after they walked  6 miles, up and down hill in the bitter snow. That is a little of an exaggeration (a hyperbole that my family uses often), for some.


It's time to create more moments that emulate the love of Christ. That is what He did during his time on earth. He spent time. Time with your ancestors and time with mine. So today, we spent time. And it was some of the most valuable time we have spent all week, and definitely all year to that point. ;)

Here is to a year and a continued lifetime of creating more time with deep value that emulates the love of our Father.

John 3:22
"After these things Jesus and His disciples came into the land of Judea, and there He was spending time with them and baptizing."

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